Ibexa Cloud

A modern cloud hosting platform that liberates your developers, lays the groundwork for future growth, and streamlines project delivery.

Building Upon Ibexa Cloud Foundations

Ibexa Cloud represents an ideal first step in your business's digital transformation. An end-to-end cloud hosting platform that's scalable, requires little up-front expenditure, and no ongoing maintenance, Ibexa Cloud PaaS solution enables your business to begin building effective digital systems that deliver powerful customer experiences.

Part of the modular Ibexa Digital Experience Platform (DXP), our modern PaaS allows you to increase your digital infrastructure investment at your own pace. This means you can build your DXP in a modular way with Ibexa Headless, Ibexa Experience and Ibexa Commerce, as and when your business needs them – putting you in complete control of your digital transformation.

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Making Your Developers More Valuable

Ibexa's Cloud Hosting Platform is designed to streamline development and testing processes, allowing you to deploy new features at a much faster rate. Similarly, it ensures developers spend less time managing databases, queues, search engines, and operating systems, and more time on valuable development tasks.

As a versatile PaaS, it is designed to let you focus on the things that matter. It shifts the focus from basic operations to enriching your digital services with new features and greater functionality.

Revolutionize Development Processes

All businesses want their development projects to run faster and cost less. Ibexa Cloud PaaS solution makes that dream a reality. 

By removing obstacles to rapid development, allowing your employees to work on tasks that deliver real value, and making it easier to onboard new developers, Ibexa Cloud facilitates a more efficient working environment.

  • Compatible with Git Flow, ensuring simple development workflow management and full integration with a wide range of tools, including Github, Gitlab, and BitBucket, to name just a few
  • Designed to facilitate development for all digital channels, runtimes, or frameworks
  • Build on Ibexa Cloud using your preferred technology stack - whether that's Symfony, node.js, or Java.
  • Add snap-in services, such as MySQL and Elasticsearch, with just a line of code.
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Test, Scale and Succeed

Ibexa Cloud automates time-consuming testing processes and encourages ongoing QA testing, so your projects are ready for deployment in a far shorter timeframe. 

The cloud hosting platform also automates your backup processes for added security and simple rollbacks. This ensures developers are working within a flexible, versatile, and trusted framework that's responsive to their needs. 

  • Increased testing capacity and superior testing quality ensures your projects are deployed quicker than ever before
  • Built-in CI/CD functionality enables you to automate testing processes, reducing the need for manual testing, and speeding up development
  • Add new infrastructure capacity as and when you need it, so your systems scale alongside your business
  • All Ibexa Cloud hardware infrastructure requirements are taken care of, so you don’t have any maintenance concerns and can begin scaling at a moment’s notice.

Simple, Safe, and Secure Deployment

Ibexa Cloud PaaS Solution offers your business the best of both worlds. It operates as an intermediary between your chosen public cloud service and your applications. You retain full control over your end-user delivery but benefit from the flexibility and scalability of cloud-powered web development.

Your data security is also guaranteed, and you can opt for a fully redundant setup to benefit from a "disaster proof" setup.

  • Compatible with your choice of public cloud server and support for AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and OVH
  • Choose between 99,9% or 99,99% uptime to benefit from high availability and disaster recovery
  • Comprehensive data security practices are compatible with relevant regulations and ensure you retain full ownership of your customer data
  • Easy deployment thanks to grid architecture and comprehensive Ibexa support.
  • Marketer friendly : instant previews allow the marketing team to work seamlessly with developers, being able to see exactly what the new feature looks like and give feedback."
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High availability

Up to 99.99% Uptime

Disaster recovery ready. Choose fully redundant, shared or dedicated. 

Software + infrastructure

A single provider to manage

We deliver both your software and your hosting infrastructure in a single package.

Proven results

40% increase in developer productivity

15% faster user acceptance testing. 20% more deployments.

Build faster than your competitors. 

Git-native development


Integrated with: Bitbucket, Github, Gitlab. Instantly clone every branch of both your code and infrastructure

Services snap-in: add services such as MySQL and Elasticsearch with a line of code ​​​​​​

Build for any digital channel: develop with almost any runtime or framework

Build & test


Built-in CI/CD: automate run tests and compiling dependencies for faster time to production

Extend: webhooks to easily integrate with any workflow

Versioning: declarative infrastructure with versioning like your code

Scale: instantly spin up new test instances and add new infrastructure capacity




Streamline operations: fully managed databases, queues, networking, and storage 

Migrate: change between service versions with single-line configuration

Services: secured and patched by Ibexa Cloud

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Optimized deployment


Grid architecture: automated containerization for your apps and services 

Support: stateful or stateless apps, worker processes

DevOps: integrate with your current processes.

Run in your chosen cloud


Multicloud support: AWS, Microsoft Azure, Orange, Google Cloud Platform, and regional partners.

Includes: production cloud hosting, plus additional testing environments

Run: no modifications required between regions and clouds

Security & compliance


Data localization: Complete control of your data by choosing any of our available geographic regions

Data ownership: you retain full ownership of your customer data defining where it's stored

Audit: all updates to your code and infrastructure are fully auditable

Data delivery: Fully managed global CDN included

Discover why our customers love Ibexa DXP

Discover all the different ways our customers are using Ibexa DXP to centralize, simplify, automate and create impressive digital experiences.

Download our free RFI eBook to help you choose the right DXP

In this free and exclusive eBook, we guide you through the process of requesting thr right information for your specific needs with a range of useful templates and information to kick-start and accelerate your digital transformation strategy.