Bogotá Madrid Fusión

Promoting Colombian Cuisine
Ibexa partner

Aplyca is an international web development firm specializing in complex DXP development and operations with headquarters in Bogotá, Colombia. The firm specializes in providing digital agencies and development partners with expert DXP talent for client projects. Working with Aplyca enables agencies to streamline their development and operations capabilities and allows agencies to add value with Ibexa DXP through an expert nearshore DXP partner.

Bogotá Madrid Fusión is a gastronomic event in Bogotá, Colombia. Five days of high-level gastronomy with the presence of European, Latin American and Colombian chefs to promote the values of the country's gastronomy while becoming a reference event in Latin America.

The model of the Madrid congress, which has already been internationally replicated in Manila, Mexico and Tokyo, reaches Colombia – and the planet of high-level gastronomy, – at a time of great expansion. Colombia has one of the world’s greatest and most diverse cuisines. The event will undoubtedly help, in their words, “to promote Colombian cuisine and reinforce international recognition for it”.

The site is part of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce multi-site installation and was developed by Aplyca, an Ibexa Platinum Partner.