Your partner for digital success

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neusta integrate GmbH | Ein team neusta Unternehmen
Teuringer Straße 45
88045 Friedrichshafen
+49 7541 6047-300
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neusta integrate GmbH

The digital group team neusta primarily offers consulting, development, and implementation services for complex software, mobile, and e-commerce solutions. Additionally, we provide services in conception, artificial intelligence, design, usability, and communication. Currently, team neusta employs approximately 1,400 staff across locations in Bremen, Hamburg, Hannover, Munich, Berlin, Cologne, Essen, Friedrichshafen, and Lachen (CH). In 2022, the group generated a revenue of around 168 million euros.

neusta webservices in Cologne and neusta integrate in Friedrichshafen are the group's specialists for the design and implementation of sophisticated DXP, CMS, DAM and portal projects. Together, our experts offer consulting at all levels. They consider components spanning from architecture to user experience, integration, and operations, combining proven legacy elements with innovative solutions to create future-proof digital platforms.

Since 2000, we have successfully implemented numerous web and portal projects for medium-sized and large customers such as ApoBank, Canada Life, Caritas, CBR eCommerce, DFL, Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus, Edeka, HDI Versicherung, koelnmesse, REWE, Roland Rechtsschutz, Stadtentwässerungsbetriebe Köln (StEB) and ZF.

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En un mundo que gira en torno a la excelencia en las experiencias digitales de los clientes, puedes generar nuevas oportunidades de ingresos, crear experiencias memorables y convertir a tus clientes en campeones digitales con Ibexa Digital Experience Platform (DXP).