Café Royal Pro

Tripled numbers of customers in just a few months
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  • Wanted an online presence that would be attractive and easy-to-use for subscribers
  • Needed to ensure the back end of the site was flexible, simple to manage and update
  • Required seamless integration with e-commerce functionality

Project Summary

  • Project: New e-commerce website
  • Partners: Novactive & Kaliop
  • Project length: Nine months from standing start to go-live

Business Benefits

  • Tripled numbers of customers in just a few months
  • Steady flow of recurring income
  • Easy to update and change content on the website
  • One back office for content, direct sales and e-commerce

Discover how Café Royal Pro uses Ibexa to sell coffee subscriptions in the B2B SMB market and within a short space of time had hundreds of businesses signing up.


Company Background

Café Royal Pro enables thousands of small to medium sized companies around France to manage coffee supplies for their employees without ever worrying about running out. With monthly coffee subscriptions that reflect the company's eco-responsible strategy by including biodegradable capsules with organic coffee, office managers can modify their orders, try out new flavors and set delivery frequency (as well as cancel at any time) to assure that their workforce has its caffeine hit when it needs it, all at a cost-effective price. With compact, robust and reliable Swiss-designed machines and easy-to-use capsules, coffee is brewed fast and quietly, guaranteeing convenience, fresh coffee and no messy sinks full of coffee grains.

Café Royal Pro uses Ibexa to sell coffee subscriptions in the B2B SMB market and within a short space of time gets hundreds of businesses signing up.

Why Ibexa?

From a standing start, the CEO wanted to launch a subscription model for office coffee supplies in the B2B SMB market. It makes its customers' lives easier by ensuring regular coffee deliveries that suit a wide palette of tastes. For Café Royal Pro, subscriptions ensure recurring and predictable revenues and the ability to expand its offering (recently adding biodegradable pods and organic coffee), boost sales and remain competitive.

Café Royal Pro needed a content delivery platform that would align with its own standards and meet its requirements in the B2B market now and in the future. It selected Ibexa as an adaptable, robust and reliable solution with e-commerce capabilities.

The direct sales team use the back office of the site as their only business solution to manage customers, enter and book new orders. Customers can access and manage their subscriptions via the user portal to modify their choice of different coffees.

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